
Alcaraz, J., Anton-Sanchez, L., Monge, J.F. (2022) “The Concordance Test, an Alternative to Kruskal-Wallis Based on the Kendall- τ Distance: An R Package”, R Journal, 14 (2):26-53

Javier Alcaraz, Laura Anton-Sanchez, Juan Francisco Monge (Operations Research Center, University Miguel Hernández of Elche)
Abstract: The Kendall rank correlation coefficient, based on the Kendall-τ� distance, is used to measure the ordinal association between two measurements. In this paper, we introduce a new coefficient also based on the Kendall-τ� distance, the Concordance coefficient, and a test to measure whether […]

On particularly nice cones

Título: On particularly nice cones
Ponente: Vera Roshchina, UNSW Sydney (Australia)
Organizador: Juan Parra
Fecha: viernes 23 de diciembre de 2022 a las 12:30 horas
Lugar: Sala de seminarios CIO
Abstract: There are many properties of facial structure of convex sets that coincide in a lower-dimensional setting but differ in higher dimensions. This talk will cover several such different properties […]

Botella-Guijarro, Á., Lloret-Irles, D., Segura-Heras, J.V., Moriano-León, J.A. (2022) «Characterization and prediction of gambling behavior in adolescents using the COM-B model», PloS one, 17 (11):e0277520

Álvaro Botella-Guijarro, Juan A. Moriano-León (Department of Social and Organizational Psychology, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)), Daniel Lloret-Irles (Health Psychology Department, Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche) and José Vicente Segura Heras (Operations Research Center, University Miguel Hernández of Elche) 
Abstract: Gambling is an international phenomenon, posing a serious threat to adolescents who begin gambling at […]

Acosta, R.K., Algaba, E., Sánchez-Soriano, J. (2022) «Multi-issue bankruptcy problems with crossed claims», Annals of Operations Research, 318 (2):749–772

Rick K. Acosta (Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad del Magdalena; acultad de Ingeniería Industrial, Universidad Antonio Nariño), Encarnación Algaba (Department of Applied Mathematics II and IMUS, University of Seville)  and Joaquín Sánchez Soriano (Operations Research Center, University Miguel Hernández of Elche) 
Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a novel model of multi-issue bankruptcy problem inspired from a […]

Faltys, O., Hobza, T., Morales, D. (2022) "Small area estimation under area-level generalized linear mixed models", Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, 51 (12):7404–7426

Ondřej Faltys, Tomáš Hobza (Czech Technical University in Prague) and  Domingo Morales (Operations Research Center, University Miguel Hernández of Elche) 
Abstract:This paper introduces a general area-level model-based formulation to small area estimation based on generalized linear mixed models. By applying an optimization algorithm to the Laplace approximation of the likelihood, the maximum likelihood estimators of the model […]