
Time Series Data Mining and Its Applications in Real-World Problems

Título: Time series data mining and its applications in real-world problems
Ponente:  Antonio Manuel Durán (Universidad de Córdoba)
Organizador: Jesús Javier Rodríguez Sala
Fecha: Lunes 4 de octubre de 2021 a las 12:00 horas.
Lugar: Online.

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Abstract: Currently, information systems such as sensors produce a  large amount of data, which is expected to experience exponential  growth in the coming years. These data are often treated […]

Bayesian Decision Tree Ensembling Strategies for Nonparametric Problems

Título: Bayesian Decision Tree Ensembling Strategies for Nonparametric Problems
Ponente:  Antonio Linero (Universidad de Texas en Austin, EEUU)
Organizador: Xavier Barber
Fecha: Viernes 17 de septiembre de 2021 a las 17:00 horas.
Lugar: Online.

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Abstract: In this talk we will make the case for using Bayesian decision tree ensembles, such as Bayesian additive regression trees (BART), for addressing some fully-nonparametric problems. We present models […]

Locating switches (2019). Expert Systems With Applications, 136, 338–352.

[:es]Mercedes Landete (University Miguel Hernández of Elche), Alfredo Marín (University of Murcia) and José Luis Sainz-Pardo (University Miguel Hernández of Elche).
Abstract. In this paper, a novel problem in transshipment networks has been proposed. The main aims of this pa- per are to introduce the problem and to give useful tools for solving it both in exact and approximate ways. In […]

Programmer eXperience: A Systematic Literature Review (2019). IEEE Access, 7, 71079-71094.

Jenny Morales (Autonomous University of Chile), Cristian Rusu (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile), Federico Botella (Miguel Hernández University of Elche) and Daniela Quiñones (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile).
Abstract. Programmers use various software development artifacts in their work, such as programming environments, design documents, and programming codes. These software artifacts can be studied and improved based on usability and User eXperience (UX) […]

Performance evaluation through DEA benchmarking adjusted to goals (2019). Omega, 87, 150-157.

[:es]José L. Ruiz (Miguel Hernández University of Elche) and Inmaculada Sirvent (Miguel Hernández University of Elche).
Abstract. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is extended to the evaluation of performance of organizations within the framework of the implementation of plans for improvements that set management goals. Managers usually set goals without having any evidence that they will be achievable at the moment […]

Seminario de Sebastián Lozano

[:es]Speaker: Sebastián Lozano (Universidad de Sevilla)
Title: “Análisis DEA de procesos en red (Network DEA): Modelos y aplicaciones”
Date: jueves 10 de octubre, 12:30 horas.
Localication: Sala de Seminarios del CIO (Edificio Torretamarit)
Abstract. El análisis por envoltura de datos (DEA) convencional considera el proceso productivo como una caja negra, esto es, como un proceso único que realiza la transformación de las […]

Seminario de Antonino Laudani

[:es]Speaker: Antonino Laudani (Università Degli Studi Roma Tre)
Title: “Mathematics vs Photovoltaic systems”
Date: jueves 26 de septiembre, 11:00 horas.
Localication: Aulas 0.1 y 0.2 del CIO (Edificio Torretamarit)
Abstract. All the field of engineering are fullfilled by mathematic approaches and this is particularly true for the fields of electrical and electronic engineering. On the other hand, it is also true […]

Seminario de Annick Laruelle

[:es]Speaker: Annick Laruelle (Universidad del País Vasco)
Title: “Cost-Benefit analysis in participatory budgeting”
Date: viernes 27 de septiembre, 12:30 horas.
Localication: Sala de Seminarios del CIO (Edificio Torretamarit)
Abstract. In participatory budgeting, citizens are invited to vote on different projects. Those with the most votes are chosen and implemented. The voting rules used in practice are usually based on […]

Lipschitz Modulus of the Optimal Value in Linear Programming (2019). Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 182, 133-152.

María Jesús Gisbert (Miguel Hernández University of Elche), María Josefa Cánovas (Miguel Hernández University of Elche), Juan Parra (Miguel Hernández University of Elche) and Fco. Javier Toledo (Miguel Hernández University of Elche).
Abstract. The present paper is devoted to the computation of the Lipschitz modulus of the optimal value function restricted to its domain in linear programming under different types of […]