
Montiel, I., Mayoral, A.M., Navarro-Pedreño, J., Maiques, S. (2021) “Transforming learning spaces on a budget: Action research and service-learning for co-creating sustainable spaces”, Education Sciences, 11 (8):418

Isabel Montiel (Conselleria de Educació, Generalitat Valenciana), Asunción Martínez (Center of Operations Research, Miguel Hernández University, Elche), José Navarro (Department Agrochemistry and Environment, Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche) and Silvia Maiques (Department School Infrastructures, Generalitat Valenciana) 
Abstract: Transforming learning spaces has become a priority for many schools, not only for implementing emerging methodologies but also for […]

Menchi-Elanzi, M., Mayoral, A.M., Morales, J., Pinargote-Celorio H., González-Alcaide, G., Ramos-Rincón, J.-M. (2021) “Toxoplasma gondii infection in hospitalized people living with HIV in Spain, 1997 to 2015”, Parasitology Research, 120 (2):755–761

Marouane Menchi-Elanzi (Emergency Department, General University Hospital of Alicante-ISABIAL), Asunción Martínez, Javier Morales (Center of Operations Research, Miguel Hernández University, Elche), Héctor Pinargote, José Manuel Ramos (Internal Medicine Department, General University Hospital of Alicante-ISABIAL) and Gregorio González (History of Science and Documentation Department, University of Valencia) 
Abstract: Toxoplasma gondii infection was one of the most frequent […]

García-Cremades, S., Morales-García, J., Hernández-Sanjaime, R., Martínez-España R., Bueno-Crespo A., Hernández-Orallo E., López-Espín, J.J., Cecilia, J.M. (2021) «Improving prediction of COVID-19 evolution by fusing epidemiological and mobility data», Scientific Reports, 11 (1):15173

Santiago García, Rocío Hernández, José Juan López (Center of Operations Research, Miguel Hernández University, Elche), Juan Morales, Raquel Martínez, Andrés Bueno (Computer Science Department, Universidad Católica de Murcia (UCAM)), Enrique Hernández and José María Cecilia (Computer Engineering Department, Univesitat Politècnica de València (UPV))
Abstract: We are witnessing the dramatic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic which, unfortunately, go […]

López-López, V., Abrisqueta, J., Luján, J., Lynn P.B., Frutos L., Ono A., Ortiz E., Lopez-Espin J.J., Gil, J., Parrilla, P. (2021) «Assessing tumor response to neoadjuvant chemoradiation in rectal cancer with rectoscopy and 18f-fdg pet/ct: Results from a prospective series», Revista Espanola de Enfermedades Digestivas, 113 (5):307–312

Víctor Glen Ray López, Jesús Abrisqueta, Juan Antonio Luján, José Gil, Pascual Parrilla (Departments of Surgery, Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca), Patrício Bernardo Lynn (Department of Surgery, New York University), Laura G. Frutos (Nuclear Medicine Radiology, Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca), Eduardo J. Ortiz (Departments of Pathology, Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen […]

Pérez-Sánchez, B., González, M., Perea, C., López-Espín, J.J. (2021) «A new computational method for estimating simultaneous equations models using entropy as a parameter criteria», Mathematics, 9 (7):700

Belén Pérez (Department of Statistics, Mathematics and Informatics, Miguel Hernández University) Martín González, Carmen Perea and José Juan López (Center of Operations Research, Miguel Hernández University, Elche)
Abstract: Simultaneous Equations Models (SEM) is a statistical technique widely used in economic science to model the simultaneity relationship between variables. In the past years, this technique has also been […]

Hernández-Sanjaime, R., González, M., Peñalver, A., López-Espín, J.J. (2021) «Estimating simultaneous equation models through an entropy-based incremental variational bayes learning algorithm», Entropy, 23 (4):384

Rocío Hernández, Martín González, Antonio Peñalver and José Juan López (Center of Operations Research, Miguel Hernández University, Elche)
Abstract: The presence of unaccounted heterogeneity in simultaneous equation models (SEMs) is frequently problematic in many real-life applications. Under the usual assumption of homogeneity, the model can be seriously misspecified, and it can potentially induce an important bias […]

Conde, E., Leal, M. (2021) «A robust optimization model for distribution network design under a mixed integer set of scenarios», Computers and Operations Research, 136:105493

Eduardo Conde and Marina Leal (Department of Statistics and Operations Research, Faculty of Mathematics, Campus Reina Mercedes, 41011, University of Seville)
Abstract: The design of a distribution network under uncertainty is addressed by using the minmax regret paradigm. Economic or technical uncertain factors may have a strong influence on the behavior of a distribution system and […]

Gabriel, S.A., Leal, M., Schmidt, M. (2021) «Solving binary-constrained mixed complementarity problems using continuous reformulations», Computers and Operations Research, 131:105208

Steven A. Gabriel (University of Maryland, Department of Mechanical Engineering/Applied Mathematics & Statistics, and Scientific Computation Program, College Park, MD, United States), Marina Leal (Miguel Hernández University, Department of Statistics and Operations Research, Elche) and Martin Schmidt  (Trier University, Department of Mathematics)
Abstract: Mixed complementarity problems are of great importance in practice since they appear in […]

González-Díaz, J., González Rodríguez, B., Leal, M., Puerto, J. (2021) «Global optimization for bilevel portfolio design: Economic insights from the Dow Jones index», Omega, 102:102353

Julio González-Díaz, Brais González-Rodríguez (Department of Statistics, Mathematical Analysis and Optimization and IMAT, University of Santiago de Compostela and MODESTYA Research Group and ITMATI (Technological Institute for Industrial Mathematics)), Marina Leal and Justo Puerto (IMUS, University of Seville )
Abstract: This paper deals with a portfolio selection problem with transaction costs and two levels of decision-making. […]

Moya-Martínez, A., Landete, M., Monge, J.F. (2021) «Close-enough facility location», Mathematics, 9 (6):670

Alejandro Moya, Juan Francisco Monge and Mercedes Landete (Center of Operations Research, University Miguel Hernández)
Abstract: This paper introduces the concept of close-enough in the context of facility location. It is assumed that customers are willing to move from their homes to close-enough pickup locations. Given that the number of pickup locations is expanding every day, […]