
Belmonte-Martin, I., Ortiz, L., Polo, C. (2021) «Local tax management in Spain: A study of the conditional efficiency of provincial tax agencies», Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 101057

Irene Belmonte Martín (Department of Social and Human Sciences, Miguel Hernandez University of Elche), Lidia Ortiz (Operations Research Center, University Miguel Hernández of Elche) and Cristina Polo (Department of Economics, University of Extremadura)
Abstract: This paper reports an efficiency analysis of local tax management by provincial tax agencies in Spain based on supramunicipal delegation. To conduct […]

Burgard, J.P., Krause, J., Kreber, D., Morales, D. (2021) «The generalized equivalence of regularization and min–max robustification in linear mixed models», Statistical Papers, 62 (6):2857–2883

Jan Pablo Burgard, Joscha Krause (Department of Economic and Social Statistics, Trier University), Dennis Kreber (Department of Operations Research, Trier University) and Domingo Morales (Operations Research Center, University Miguel Hernández of Elche)
Abstract: The connection between regularization and min–max robustification in the presence of unobservable covariate measurement errors in linear mixed models is addressed. We prove […]

Fúquene-Patiño, J., Cristancho, C., Ospina, M., Gonzalez, D.M. (2021) «Fay-Herriot Model-Based Prediction Alternatives for Estimating Households with Emigrated Members», Journal of Official Statistics, 37 (3):771–789

Jairo Alberto Fúquene-Patiño (UC Davis, Department of Statistics, Davis), César Cristancho, Mariana Ospina (National Department of Statistics, Population Projections Division, Bogota) and Domingo Morales (Operations Research Center, University Miguel Hernández of Elche)
Abstract: This article proposes a new methodology for estimating the proportions of households that had experience of international migration at the municipal level in […]

Guadarrama, M., Morales, D., Molina, I. (2021) “Time stable empirical best predictors under a unit-level model”, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 160:107226

María Guadarrama (Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)), Domingo Morales (Operations Research Center, University Miguel Hernández of Elche) and Isabel Molina (Department of Statistics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Abstract: Comparability as well as stability over time are highly desirable properties of regularly published statistics, specially when they are related to important issues such as people’s […]

Benavent, R., Morales, D. (2021) “Small area estimation under a temporal bivariate area-level linear mixed model with independent time effects”, Statistical Methods and Applications, 30 (1):195–222

Roberto Benavent and Domingo Morales (Operations Research Center, University Miguel Hernández of Elche) and 
Abstract: This paper introduces a temporal bivariate area-level linear mixed model with independent time effects for estimating small area socioeconomic indicators. The model is fitted by using the residual maximum likelihood method.Empirical best linear unbiased predictors of these indicators are derived. An […]

Carrión, E.Á., Ferrer, B., Monge, J.F., Saez P.I., Pomares, J.C., González, A. (2021) «Minimum clearance distance in fall arrest systems with energy absorber lanyards», International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (11):5823

Elena Ángela Carrión, Pedro Ignacio Saez (Building & Urban Development Department, University of Alicante), Belén Ferrer, Juan Carlos Pomares, Antonio González (Civil Engineering Department, University of Alicante) and Juan Francisco Monge (Center of Operations Research, University Miguel Hernandez of Elche)
Abstract: Accidents due to falls from height are one of the main causes of death in […]

Escudero, L.F., Monge, J.F. (2021) «On multistage multiscale stochastic capacitated multiple allocation hub network expansion planning», Mathematics, 9 (24):3177

Laureano Escudero (Área de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos) and Juan Francisco Monge (Center of Operations Research, University Miguel Hernandez of Elche)
Abstract: The hub location problem (HLP) basically consists of selecting nodes from a network to act as hubs to be used for flow traffic directioning, i.e., flow collection from some origin […]

Guardiola, L.A., Meca, A., Puerto, J. (2021) «Enforcing fair cooperation in production-inventory settings with heterogeneous agents», Annals of Operations Research, 305 (1-2):59–80

Luis A. Guardiola (Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico, Universidad de Alicante), Ana Meca (I.U. Centro de Investigación Operativa, Universidad Miguel Hernández) and Justo Puerto (Mathematical Research Institute of the University of Seville (IMUS), Sevilla)
Abstract: Production-Inventory settings with heterogeneous agents appear frequently in the study of supply chain management. For instance, there are Production-Inventory situations […]

Guardiola, L.A., Meca, A., Puerto, J. (2021) «Unitary owen points in cooperative lot-sizing models with backlogging», Mathematics, 9 (8):869

Luis A. Guardiola (Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico, Universidad de Alicante), Ana Meca (I.U. Centro de Investigación Operativa, Universidad Miguel Hernández) and Justo Puerto (Mathematical Research Institute of the University of Seville (IMUS), Sevilla)
Abstract: This paper analyzes cost sharing in uncapacitated lot-sizing models with backlogging and heterogeneous costs. It is assumed that several firms […]