
Aparicio, J., Cordero, J.M., Ortiz, L. (2022) «Plausible values and their use in efficiency analyses with educational data», Applied Economics, 54 (29):3340–3352

Juan Aparicio, Lidia Ortiz (Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche)  and José Manuel Cordero (Department of Economics, University of Extremadura)
Abstract: There is extensive literature focused on the evaluation of efficiency in the education sector, both at the micro level, analyzing the performance of students or schools, and at the macro level, exploring the behavior of regions […]

Guardiola, L.A., Meca, A., Puerto, J. (2022) «The effect of consolidated periods in heterogeneous lot-sizing games», TOP, 30 (2):380-404

Luis A. Guardiola (Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico, Universidad de Alicante), Ana Meca (I.U. Centro de Investigación Operativa, Universidad Miguel Hernández) and Justo Puerto (Mathematical Research Institute of the University of Seville (IMUS), Sevilla)
Abstract: We consider a cooperative game defined by an economic lot-sizing problem with heterogeneous costs over a finite time horizon, in […]

The Impact of Energy Poverty on Sleep Quality: Evidence from Germany and Australia

Título: The Impact of Energy Poverty on Sleep Quality: Evidence from Germany and Australia
Ponente: Santiago Budría (Universidad Antonio de Nebrija)
Organizador: Carlos Gutiérrez Hita
Fecha: Martes 14 de junio de 2022 a las 12:30 horas.
Lugar: Sala de seminarios CIO
Abstract: This paper explores the impact of energy poverty on sleep quality. The nature of this relationship remains unknown and […]

Cánovas, M.J., Gisbert, M.J., Klatte, D., Parra, J., (2022) «Projection-Based Local and Global Lipschitz Moduli of the Optimal Value in Linear Programming», Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 193(1-3):280-299

María Josefa Cánovas, Juan Parra (University Miguel Hernández of Elche), María Jesús Gisbert (Department of Statistics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) and Diethard Klatte (Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Universität Zürich)
Abstract: In this paper, we use a geometrical approach to sharpen a lower bound given in [5] for the Lipschitz modulus of the optimal value of (finite) […]

Investigar y divulgar: ¿dos caras de la misma moneda?

Título: Investigar y divulgar: ¿dos caras de la misma moneda?
Ponente: D. Agustí Segarra (Catedrático en Economía Aplicada, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Cataluña)
Organizador: Ana Meca
Fecha: Lunes 30 de marzo de 2022 a las 12:30 horas.
Lugar: Sala de seminarios CIO
Abstract: La investigación científica y la divulgación, esto es poner al alcance de un público más amplio son dos caras de una misma moneda, […]

Batzelis, E., Blanes, J.M., Toledo, F.J., Galiano, V. (2022) "Noise-Scaled Euclidean Distance: A Metric for Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the PV Model Parameters", IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 12 (3):815–826

Efstratios Batzelis (University of Southampton), José M. Blanes, Francisco Javier Toledo and Vicente Galiano (Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche) 
Abstract: This article revisits the objective function (or metric) used in the extraction of photovoltaic (PV) model parameters. A theoretical investigation shows that the widely used current distance (CD) metric does not yield the maximum likelihood estimates […]