Scientific articles
Esteve, M., Rodriguez-Sala, J.J., Lopez-Espin, J.J., Aparicio, J. (2021) «Heuristic and Backtracking algorithms for improving the performance of Efficiency Analysis Trees», IEEE Access, 9:17421–17428, 9334981
Miriam Esteve, Jesús Javier Rodríguez, Juan Aparicio (Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche) and Joe Zhu (Foisie Business School, Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
Abstract: In the technical efficiency evaluation area, it may happen that many observations obtain a similar relative technical efficiency status, making it difficult to discriminate between them. The determination of super-efficiency has been a […]
Scientific articles
Mollá, N., Heavin, C., Rabasa, A. (2022) «Data-driven decision making: new opportunities for DSS in data stream contexts», Journal of Decision Systems, 31 (S1):255–269
Nuria Mollá, Alejandro Rabasa (Operations Research Center, University Miguel Hernández of Elche) and Chiara Heavin (Business School, University College Cork)
Abstract: Traditionally, Decision Support Systems (DSS) data were stored statically and persistently in a database. Increasing volume and intensity of information and data streams create new opportunities and challenges for DSS experts, data scientists, and decision […]
Scientific articles
Barrachina, J., Margarit, C., Muriel, J., López-Gil, S., López-Gil, V., Vara-González, A., Planelles, B., Inda, M.D., Morales, D., Peiró, A.M. (2022) “Oxycodone/naloxone versus tapentadol in real-world chronic non-cancer pain management: an observational and pharmacogenetic study”, Scientific Reports, 12 (1):10126
Jordi Barrachina, Cesar Margarit, Javier Muriel, Beatriz Planelles, María del Mar Inda, Ana M. Peiro (FISABIO Fdn, Alicante Inst Hlth & Biomed Res ISABIAL), Santiago López-Gil, Vicente López-Gil, Amaya Vara-González (Miguel Hernandez Univ Elche, Occupat Observ) and Domingo Morales (Operations Research Center, University Miguel Hernández of Elche) and
Abstract: Tapentadol (TAP) and oxycodone/naloxone (OXN) potentially offer an improved […]
Barrachina, J., Margarit, C., Muriel, J., López-Gil, S., López-Gil, V., Vara-González, A., Planelles, B., Inda, M.D., Morales, D., Peiró, A.M. (2022) “Oxycodone/naloxone versus tapentadol in real-world chronic non-cancer pain management: an observational and pharmacogenetic study”, Scientific Reports, 12 (1):10126
Scientific articles
Gabriel, S.A., Leal, M., Schmidt, M. (2022) "On linear bilevel optimization problems with complementarity-constrained lower levels", Journal of the Operational Research Society,
Steven A. Gabriel (University of Maryland, Department of Mechanical Engineering/Applied Mathematics & Statistics, and Scientific Computation Program, College Park, MD, United States), Marina Leal (Miguel Hernández University, Department of Statistics and Operations Research, Elche) and Martin Schmidt (Trier University, Department of Mathematics)
Abstract: We consider a novel class of linear bilevel optimization models with a lower […]
Scientific articles
Martínez, R., Sánchez-Soriano, J., Llorca, N. (2022) "Assessments in public procurement procedureS", Omega, 111:102660
Ricardo Martínez (Departmento de Teoría e Historia Económica, Universidad de Granada), Joaquín Sánchez and Natividad Llorca (Operations Research Center, University Miguel Hernández of Elche)
Abstract: In this paper we study how to assess the performance of a group of individuals according to their achievements in several attributes or categories by means of a scoring system. Such […]