
Are charter value and supervision aligned? A segmentation analysis (2018). Journal of Financial Stability, 37, 60-73.

Juan Aparicio (University Miguel Hernandez), Miguel A. Durán (University of Malaga), Ana Lozano-Vivas (University of Malaga), Jesús T. Pastor (University Miguel Hernández).
Abstract. Previous work suggests that the charter value hypothesis is theoretically grounded and empirically sup-ported, but not universally. Accordingly, this paper aims to perform an analysis of the relations betweencharter value, risk taking, and supervision, […]

Small area estimation of poverty proportions under unit-level temporal binomial-logit mixed models. (2018) Spriger Link. 27 (2) : 270-294

[:es]Hobza, T. (Department of Mathematics, Czech Technical University in Prague); Morales, D. (Operations Research Center, Miguel Hernández University of Elche); Santamaría, L. (Operations Research Center, Miguel Hernández University of Elche)
Abstract. Poverty proportions are averages of dichotomic variables that can be explained by unit-level binomial-logit mixed models. The change between the poverty proportions of two consecutive […]

A note on measuring group performance over time with pseudo-panels

[:es]Aparicio, J.(Center of Operations Research (CIO), Miguel Hernandez University of Elche); Santin, D. ( Department of Applied Economics VI, Complutense University of Madrid).
Abstract. Aparicio, Crespo-Cebada, Pedraja-Chaparro, and Santin (2017) recently extended the Camanho and Dyson (2006) Malmquist-type index (CDMI) for determining group performance in cross-sectional studies to panel or pseudo-panel databases. In that paper, it was shown that […]

Seminario de Nirian Martín

[:es]Speaker: Nirian Martín (Universidad Computense de Madrid)
Title: «Nuevos procedimientos estadísticos robustos para los modelos de regresión logística multinomial»
Date: 18 de Junio,  12:30 h.
Localication: Sala de Seminarios (Edificio Torretamarit)
Abstract.  Este trabajo desarrolla una nueva familia de estimadores, los conocidos estimadores de mínima «density power divergence» para el modelo de regresión logística multinomial. Se presentan así mismo, una familia de estadísticos de […]

Seminario de Dorys Rodríguez

[:es]Speaker: Dorys Rodríguez (Universidad de Deusto)
Title:  El enfoque sistémico en la eficiencia de la educación superior: una revisión integrativa de la literatura
Date: 13 junio. 13:00 h. 
Localication: Sala de Seminarios (Edificio Torretamarit)
Abstract. El enfoque sistémico es una aproximación metodológica para la evaluación de sistemas que se centra en examinar la interacción entre los actores clave que lo conforman. En […]

Seminario de Jon Mikel Zabala

[:es]Speaker: Jon Mikel Zabala
Title:  «Ranking and Benchmarking Innovation Performance in the EU: Policy Guidelines Based on DEA-TOPSIS Methods»
Date: 12 June. 13:00 h.
Localication: Sala de Seminarios (Edificio Torretamarit)
Abstract.  «The Innovation Union Scoreboard (IUS) is a tool to monitor the implementation of and to examine and illustrate the innovation performance of European Member States as well as to evaluate (and rank) […]

Sustainable allocation of greenhouse gas emission permits for firms with Leontief technologies

[:es]Gutiérrez, E. (CIO and Department of Statistics, Mathematics and Computer Science, University Miguel Hernández of Elche, Spain) Llorca, N. (CIO and Department of Statistics, Mathematics and Computer Science, University Miguel Hernández of Elche, Spain)  Sánchez-Soriano, J.(CIO and Department of Statistics, Mathematics and Computer Science, University Miguel Hernández of Elche, Spain)Mosquera, M. (Department of Statistics and Operations Research, […]

Seminario del profesor Ricardo Martínez

[:es]Speaker: Ricardo Martínez (Universidad de Granada)
Date: 4 June  12:30 h.
Localication: Sala de Seminarios (Edificio Torretamarit)
Abstract.We study the problem of dividing a budget among the districts of a city taking into account their population and wealth. We focus on order preservation properties that ensure higher transfers to those districts with larger […]

Seminario de Jan J. Rückmann

[:es]Speaker: Jan J. Rückmann
Title: “Mathematical Programs with Complementarity constraints: Critical Point Theory”
Coauthors: Hubertus Th. Jongen and Vladimir Shikhman.
Date: 23 May.  12:30 h.
Localication: Sala de Seminarios (Edificio Torretamarit)
Abstract. We study mathematical programs with complementarity constraints from a topological point of view. We derive a Morse Lemma at nondegenerate C- stationary points and present two basic theorems from Morse theory (deformation theorem […]

Seminario de Stefan Sperlich

[:es]Speaker: Stefan Sperlich
Title: Uniform inference for Small Area Parameter
Coauthors: K. Reluga, P. Kramlinger, T. Krivobokova and M.J. Lombardía
Date: 24 May. 12:00 h.
Localication: Sala de Seminarios (Edificio Torretamarit)
Abstract. Today, SAE is a common tool used world-wide by Statistical offices for addressing the need of disaggregated information. Interval estimates can either be extremely wide if not model-based, or only […]