
On capacity expansion planning under strategic and operational uncertainties based on stochastic dominance risk averse management (2018). Computational Management Science, 15, 1-22.

[:es]Laureano F. Escudero (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos) and Juan F. Monge (Universidad Miguel Hernández).
Abstract. A new scheme for dealing with uncertainty in scenario trees is presented for dynamic mixed 0–1 optimization problems with strategic and operational stochastic parameters. Let us generically name this type of problems as capacity expansion planning (CEP) in a given system, e.g., […]

Color Doppler imaging of the retrobulbar circulation and plasmatic biomarkers of vascular risk in age‑related macular degeneration: A pilot study (2018). Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, 66 (1), 89-93.

[:es]Fermin Rodrigo (Department of Ophthalmology of Marina Baixa Hospital), José María Ruiz-Moreno (University of Castilla La Mancha), Juan Bernabé García (Department of Ophthalmology of Marina Baixa Hospital), María Eugenia Torregrosa (Department of Ophthalmology of Marina Baixa Hospital), José Vicente Segura (Miguel Hernández University) and David P. Piñero (University of Alicante).
Purpose: To evaluate preliminarily and compare […]

DEA-based benchmarking for performance evaluation in pay-for-performance incentive plans (2018). Omega, 28, 23-34.

[:es]Wade D. Cook (York University), Nuria Ramón (Universidad Miguel Hernández), José L. Ruiz (Universidad Miguel Hernández), Inmaculada Sirvent (Universidad Miguel Hernández) and Joe Zhu (Worcester Polytechnic Institute).
Abstract. Incentive plans involve payments for performance relative to some set of goals. In this paper, we extend Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to the evaluation of performance in the specific context […]

System-on-Chip for Real-Time Satellite Photovoltaic Curves Telemetry (2018). IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 14 (3), 951-957.

[:es]Roberto Gutiérrez (Miguel Hernandez University), José M. Blanes (Miguel Hernandez University),  David Marroquí (Miguel Hernandez University), Ausiàs Garrigós (Miguel Hernandez University) and Francisco Javier Toledo (Miguel Hernandez University).
Abstract. This paper presents a System-on-Chip design for real-time satellites photovoltaic curves telemetry. In these applications, the limitation of memory and communication bandwidth makes quite difficult to store and […]

Strong attractors for vanishing viscosity approximations of non-newtonian suspension flows (2018). Discrete and continuous dynamical systems series B, 23 (3), 1155-1176.

[:es]Oleksiy V. Kapustyan (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv), Pavlo O. Kasyanov (National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute), José Valero (Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche), Michael Z. Zgurovsky (National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute).
Abstract. In this paper we prove the existence of global attractors in the strong topology […]

Seminario de Manuel Ruiz

[:es]Speaker: Manuel Ruiz (Universidad de Granada).
Title: «Minimax Inequalities and Nonlinear Innite Programming».
Date: jueves 28 de Junio, 13:00 h.
Localication: Sala de Seminarios (Edificio Torretamarit).
Abstract. A minimax inequality guarantees the validity of the interchange of the operations «sup» and «inf» for certain two-variable functions. We rst show some recent advances on minimax theory and then illustrate their versatility with some applications to nonlinear innite programming.[:]

Are charter value and supervision aligned? A segmentation analysis (2018). Journal of Financial Stability, 37, 60-73.

Juan Aparicio (University Miguel Hernandez), Miguel A. Durán (University of Malaga), Ana Lozano-Vivas (University of Malaga), Jesús T. Pastor (University Miguel Hernández).
Abstract. Previous work suggests that the charter value hypothesis is theoretically grounded and empirically sup-ported, but not universally. Accordingly, this paper aims to perform an analysis of the relations betweencharter value, risk taking, and supervision, […]

Small area estimation of poverty proportions under unit-level temporal binomial-logit mixed models. (2018) Spriger Link. 27 (2) : 270-294

[:es]Hobza, T. (Department of Mathematics, Czech Technical University in Prague); Morales, D. (Operations Research Center, Miguel Hernández University of Elche); Santamaría, L. (Operations Research Center, Miguel Hernández University of Elche)
Abstract. Poverty proportions are averages of dichotomic variables that can be explained by unit-level binomial-logit mixed models. The change between the poverty proportions of two consecutive […]

A note on measuring group performance over time with pseudo-panels

[:es]Aparicio, J.(Center of Operations Research (CIO), Miguel Hernandez University of Elche); Santin, D. ( Department of Applied Economics VI, Complutense University of Madrid).
Abstract. Aparicio, Crespo-Cebada, Pedraja-Chaparro, and Santin (2017) recently extended the Camanho and Dyson (2006) Malmquist-type index (CDMI) for determining group performance in cross-sectional studies to panel or pseudo-panel databases. In that paper, it was shown that […]

Seminario de Nirian Martín

[:es]Speaker: Nirian Martín (Universidad Computense de Madrid)
Title: «Nuevos procedimientos estadísticos robustos para los modelos de regresión logística multinomial»
Date: 18 de Junio,  12:30 h.
Localication: Sala de Seminarios (Edificio Torretamarit)
Abstract.  Este trabajo desarrolla una nueva familia de estimadores, los conocidos estimadores de mínima «density power divergence» para el modelo de regresión logística multinomial. Se presentan así mismo, una familia de estadísticos de […]