
Microeconomic education, strategic incentives, and gender: An oligopoly classroom experiment with social interaction (2018). International Review of Economics Education, 1-11.

[:es]José Antonio García Martínez (University Miguel Hernandez of Elche), Carlos Gutiérrez Hita (University Miguel Hernandez of Elche) and Joaquín Sánchez Soriano (University Miguel Hernández of Elche).
Abstract. In an oligopoly classroom experiment we study the extent to which microeconomic education, strategic incentives, and gender affect students’ profits. In our setting, students may interact in the classroom (indeed, everywhere) prior to submitting quantity bids […]

Formal descriptive study for the extraction and comparison of tourist spending patterns (2018). International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics, 13 (3), 272-280.

[:es]Alejandro Rabasa (University Miguel Hernandez of Elche), Nuria Mollá Campello (University Miguel Hernandez of Elche) and Agustín Pérez Torregrosa (University Miguel Hernández of Elche).
Abstract. This paper presents the design of an in-depth descriptive analysis of data collected from public surveys at tourist information points. It uses a dataset that compiles different information related to trips to the Valencian Community (Spain). The […]

Spherical symmetric dust collapse in vector-tensor gravity (2018). Physical Review D, 98 (6), 1-10.

[:es]Roberto Dale (University Miguel Hernandez of Elche) and Diego Sáez (University of Valencia).
Abstract. There is a viable vector-tensor gravity (VTG) theory, the vector field of which produces repulsive forces leading to important effects. In the background universe, the effect of these forces is an accelerated expansion identical to that produced by vacuum energy (cosmological constant). Here, we prove that […]

Congreso 19-21 de junio: XVII Conferencia Española y VII Encuentro Iberoamericano de Biometría

Entre los días 19 y 21 de junio de 2019 la ciudad de Valencia acogerá la XVII Conferencia Española y VII Encuentro Iberoamericano de Biometría promovido por la Sociedad Española de Biometría. La organización de esta reunión científica está a cargo del Departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa y de la Facultad de Matemáticas de […]

Interpreting deviations between AR-VGT and GR (2018). International Journal of Modern Physics D, 28, 1-21.

[:es]Roberto Dale (University Miguel Hernandez of Elche) and Diego Sáez (University of Valencia).
Abstract. The cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies predicted by two cosmological models are compared, one of them is the standard model of general relativity with cold dark matter and cosmological constant, whereas the second model is based on a consistent vector-tensor theory of gravitation explaining solar system […]

Defensa de la tesis doctoral de María Jesús Gisbert

[:es]Title: “Sensitivity Analysis and Lipschitzian Properties in Linear Optimization”.
Author: María Jesús Gisbert Francés (Universidad Miguel Hernández).
Organizer: María Josefa Cánovas Cánovas.
Directors: Dra. María Josefa Cánovas Cánovas (Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche) y Dr. Francisco Javier Toledo Melero (Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche).
Date: jueves 15 de noviembre, 11:00 horas.
Localication: Sala Alexander von Humboldt (Edificio Torregaitán).
Others: Doctoranda con mención internacional.[:]

Seminario de Alexandre Carvalho

[:es]Speaker: Alexandre Carvalho (Universidad de São Paulo).
Title: “Gradient Structure of a Non-autonomous Chafee-Infante Problems”.
Date: viernes 9 de noviembre, 11:00 horas.
Localication: Aula de seminarios del CIO (Edificio Torretamarit).
Abstract. In this work we prove that some non-autonomous scalar one dimensional semi-linear parabolic problems have an associated skew-product semiflow with gradient structure. The aim is to exhibit a non-autonomous problem for which the asymptotic dynamics […]

An Online Travel Agency Comparative Study: Heuristic Evaluators Perception (2018). Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature, 10913, 112-120.

[:es]Cristian Rusu (Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso), Federico Botella (University Miguel Hernandez of Elche), Virginica Rusu (University of Playa Ancha, Valparaíso), Silvana Roncagliolo (Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso) and Daniela Quiñones (Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso).
Abstract. Forming usability professionals, particularly heuristic evaluators, is a challenging task. Heuristic evaluation is a well-known and widely employed usability evaluation method. A heuristic evaluation may be performed based […]

El CIO publica su Memoria de Investigación 2017

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El Centro de Investigación Operativa (CIO) de la Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche ha hecho pública su Memoria de Investigación referente al año 2017. Dicho documento consta de 72 páginas en las que se recoge información referente a los miembros del instituto, así como a la […]