
Seminario de Piergiulio Tempesta

[:es]Speaker: Piergiulio Tempesta (Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, ICMAT)
Title: «Group entropies: A new family of information measures for complex systems»
Date: viernes 25 de enero, 12:00 horas.
Localication: Sala de seminarios del CIO (Edificio Torretamarit).
Abstract. We will show that an intrinsic group-­theoretical structure is at the heart of the notion of generalized entropy. This structure emerges when imposing the […]

Francisco Marcellán (II): “En estos momentos, hay matemáticos españoles prácticamente en todos los países de Europa y no nos podemos permitir el lujo de que no puedan volver”

Francisco Marcellán impartiendo un seminario en el CIO el pasado 20 de noviembre. | Foto: Carla Serrano
Puedes leer la primera parte de la entrevista a Francisco Marcellán aquí.
Pregunta. ¿Qué opina de la escasa presencia femenina en los estudios de ciencias en general y de matemáticas en particular?
Respuesta. En el caso de las matemáticas es relativamente preocupante. Hay un dato, […]

Health benefits of an adverse events reporting system for chronic pain patients using long‐term opioids (2018). Acta Anaesthesiol Scand, 1-11.

[:es]Beatriz Planelles (Pain Unit, Alicante Department of Health-General Hospital), César Margarit (Pain Unit, Alicante Department of Health-General Hospital), Raquel Ajo (Neuropharmacology on Pain (NED), Research Unit, Department of Health of Alicante-General Hospital), Yolanda Sastre (Pain Unit, Alicante Department of Health-General Hospital), Javier Muriel (Neuropharmacology on Pain (NED), Research Unit, Department of Health of Alicante-General Hospital), María del Mar Inda (Neuropharmacology on Pain (NED), Research Unit, Department of Health of Alicante-General Hospital), María Dolores Esteban (Miguel […]

Work in Progress: Contributing to becoming aware of the value of Open Education (2018). IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 1806-1810.

[:es]Edmundo Tovar (Polytechnic University of Madrid), Sergio Martín (The National Distance Education University), Martín Llamas (University of Vigo), Manuel Caeiro (University of Vigo), Óscar Martínez Bonastre (Miguel Hernández University of Elche), Rebecca Strachan (Northumbria University) and Manuel Castro (The National Distance Education University).
Abstract. This paper shows the design, approach and first collection of data of the MOOC “Foundations to Open Education and OERs repositories”. This is the first MOOC of the […]

Seminario de Jon Mikel Zabala

[:es]Speaker: Jon Mikel Zabala (Universidad de Deusto).
Title: «Innovation capacity and performance in Europe: which are the implications of the EIS for innovation policy?»
Date: jueves 10 de enero, 12:00 horas.
Localication: Sala de seminarios del CIO (Edificio Torretamarit).
Abstract. This project will make a step forward in the assessment of innovation performance of innovation systems as a whole, from a holistic perspective. The project […]

Attractors for Multi-valued Non-autonomous Dynamical Systems: Relationship, Characterization and Robustness (2018). Set-Valued and Variational Analysis Journal Impact 2018, 26, 493–530.

[:es]Hongyong Cui (University Southwest of Chongqing), José A. Langa (University of Sevilla), Yangrong Li (University Southwest of Chongqing) and José Valero (University Miguel Hernández of Elche).
Abstract. In this paper we study cocycle attractors, pullback attractors and uniform attractors for multi-valued non-autonomous dynamical systems.We first consider the relationship between the three attractors and find that, under suitable conditions, they imply each other. Then, […]

Francisco Marcellán (I): “El porcentaje de paro en licenciaturas de matemáticas es de los más bajos de todas las titulaciones del país”

[:es]Francisco Marcellán en el hall del CIO el pasado 20 de noviembre. | Foto: Carla Serrano
Decía el escritor y matemático estadounidense John Allen Paulos que la vida es matemática. Que se lo pregunten a Francisco Marcellán (Zaragoza, 1951), actual presidente de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española (RSME). Desde que se licenció en Ciencias Matemáticas, en […]

On the time-consistent stochastic dominance risk averse measure for tactical supply chain planning under uncertainty (2018). Computers and Operations Research, 100, 270–286.

[:es]Laureano F. Escudero (Rey Juan Carlos University), Juan Francisco Monge (University Miguel Hernández of Elche) and Dolores Romero Morales (Copenhagen Business School).
Abstract. In this work a modeling framework and a solution approach have been presented for a multi-period stochastic mixed 0–1 problem arising in tactical supply chain planning (TSCP). A multistage scenario tree based scheme is used to represent the parameters’ uncertainty […]

Indexation Strategies and Calmness Constants for Uncertain Linear Inequality Systems (2018). Springer International Publishing AG 2018, 142, 831-843.

[:es]María Josefa Cánovas (University Miguel Hernandez of Elche), René Henrion (University Humboldt of Berlin), Marco Antonio López (University of Alicante) and Juan Parra (University Miguel Hernández of Elche).
Abstract. The present paper deals with uncertain linear inequality systems viewed as nonempty closed coefficient sets in the (n + 1)-dimensional Euclidean space. The perturbation size of these uncertainty sets is measured by the […]