[:es]Roberto Gutiérrez (Miguel Hernandez University), José M. Blanes (Miguel Hernandez University), David Marroquí (Miguel Hernandez University), Ausiàs Garrigós (Miguel Hernandez University) and Francisco Javier Toledo (Miguel Hernandez University).
Abstract. This paper presents a System-on-Chip design for real-time satellites photovoltaic curves telemetry. In these applications, the limitation of memory and communication bandwidth makes quite difficult to store and to transmit the whole characteristic current-voltage (I–V) curve of any solar section in real-time. The proposed solution is based on the real-time calculation of the equivalent singlediode model of the solar section. The single-diode model fits accurately the behavior of any solar panel, so once the parameters are calculated, saved, and transmitted, at any working conditions, that specific curve could be later reproduced. The system is based on a LEON3 32-bit microprocessor core implemented in a Field Programmable Gate Array. The LEON microprocessors were originally designed by the European Space Agency, Paris, France, to be used in space projects where high reliability is required. In addition, in order to design the system as simple and reliable as possible, from all the methods available in the literature to extract the five parameters of the equivalent model, the Oblique Asymptote Method has been chosen for its simplicity and precision. Finally, some experimental results are presented to demonstrate the accuracy of the final system.
Scientific articles
N. Allouch, Luis A. Guardiola, & A. Meca (2024). Measuring productivity in networks: A game-theoretic approach. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 91, 101783.
N. Allouch (University of Kent – School of Economics), Luis A. Guardiola (Departamento de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y Empresa, Universidad de Murcia), Ana Meca (I.U. Centro de Investigación Operativa, Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche) Abstract: Measuring individual productivity (or equivalently distributing the overall productivity) in a network structure of workers displaying peer effects has been [...]