[:es]Jradi, S. (Kedge Business School, Talence, 680 Cours Libération 33405, France); Bouzdine Chameeva, T. (Kedge Business School, Talence, 680 Cours Libération 33405, France); Aparicio, J. (Center of Operations Research (CIO), University Miguel Hernandez of Elche (UMH), Elche, Alicante 03202, Spain)
Abstract. In this paper, we measure and decompose revenue inefficiency over time while accounting for all sources of technical inefficiencies. Our proposed decomposition exploits the dual relationship between the weighted additive distance function and revenue inefficiency in Aparicio et al. [1]. With the aid of the Luenberger indicator, we decompose this indicator into productivity change, and overall allocative change components. The importance of such decomposition is that it provides a complete picture of the sources of productivity change, thus obtaining a slack free allocative component. Finally, the model is ap- plied to the French wine sector to illustrate its practicality: we track how revenue inefficiency evolves in French wine regions over the 2004–2013 period, before and after the implementation of Common Market Organization policies in Europe in 2008.[:]
Seminario CIO: Enfoques empíricos en la gestión de la cadena de suministro, perspectivas de red y sostenibilidad
Título: Enfoques empíricos en la gestión de la cadena de suministro, perspectivas de red y sostenibilidad Ponente: Maxi Udenio Castro (KU Leuven, Bélgica) Fecha y hora: 23/01/2025, 13:00 Inscripción online (cierre 30 minutos antes del inicio): https://forms.gle/2PdHseAPSoepBqJb8 Lugar: Sala de Seminarios del Edificio Torretamarit (CIO) y online Organizador: Mercedes Landete Ruiz Abstract: En esta charla el ponente repasará sus proyectos de [...]