
Título: More on duality for evenly convex functions
Ponente: Michel Volle
Fecha: 30/04/2014 12:25h-13:05h
Lugar: Sala de Seminarios, Edificio Torretamarit
We present a new exact conjugacy for the class of extended real-valued evenly convex functions defined on general topological vector spaces ([1]). The links between even convexity and subdifferentiability are explicited, with applications in convex optimization duality ([2]). This talk is based on a join work with J. E. Martínez-Legaz and J. Vicente-Pérez.
 [1] « Duality for Closed Convex Functions and Evenly Convex Functions », with J.E. Martinez-Legaz and J. Vicente-Perez, to appear in JOTA
 [2] « Even Convexity, Subdifferentiability, and Gamma-Regularization in General Topological Vector Spaces », with J. Vicente-Perez, in preparation.
Breve Bio:
Michel Volle es catedrático en la Universidad de Avignon (Francia), habiendo sido rector de la misma durante varios años. Es un experto de reconocido prestigio en análisis convexo, análisis funcional, conjugación y dualidad, entre otros. En la base de datos MathSciNet le constan 79 artículos y 330 citas por 169 autores.Title: More on duality for evenly convex functions
Speaker: Michel Volle
Date: 30/04/2014 12:25h-13:05
Location: Sala de Seminarios, Edificio Torretamarit

 We present a new exact conjugacy for the class of extended real-valued evenly convex functions defined on general topological vector spaces ([1]). The links between even convexity and subdifferentiability are explicited, with applications in convex optimization duality ([2]). This talk is based on a join work with J. E. Martínez-Legaz and J. Vicente-Pérez.
 [1] « Duality for Closed Convex Functions and Evenly Convex Functions », with J.E. Martinez-Legaz and J. Vicente-Perez, to appear in JOTA
 [2] « Even Convexity, Subdifferentiability, and Gamma-Regularization in General Topological Vector Spaces », with J. Vicente-Perez, in preparation.
 Brief Bio
Michel Volle is Professor at the University of Avignon (France), having been rector of this university for several years. He is a renowned expert in convex analysis, functional analysis, conjugation and duality, among others. In the MathSciNet database, he has 79 articles and 330 citations by 169 authors.