
Título: Extremal problems under invariance assumptions
Ponente: Alberto Seeger
Fecha: 30/04/2014 11:45h-12:25h
Lugar: Sala de Seminarios, Edificio Torretamarit
A framed Euclidean space  is a finite dimensional linear space X equipped with an inner product 〈⋅,⋅〉 and with a frame M. We provide a localization result for the solutions to a minimization problem of the abstract form.
Breve Bio:
Alberto Seeger es catedrático en la Universidad de Avignon (Francia) desde 1991. Ha realizado estancias largas de investigación en Santiago de Chile, Toulouse (Francia), Seattle (EE.UU.), Barcelona y Dhahram (Arabia Saudí), además de numerosas estancias cortas, es editor asociado de la revista RAIRO-Operations Research y autor de más de 110 artículos en revistas internacionales. Sus campos de interés son la programación no lineal, el control óptimo, el cálculo de variaciones, la optimización vectorial, el análisis convexo o no diferenciable y los sistemas multivaluados.Title: Extremal problems under invariance assumptions
Speaker: Alberto Seeger
Date: 30/04/2014 11:45h-12:25h
Location: Sala de Seminarios, Edificio Torretamarit


A framed Euclidean space  is a finite dimensional linear space X equipped with an inner product 〈⋅,⋅〉 and with a frame M. We provide a localization result for the solutions to a minimization problem of the abstract form.
 Brief Bio
Alberto Seeger is Professor at the University of Avignon (France) since 1991. He has visited Santiago de Chile, Toulouse (France), Seattle (USA), Barcelona and Dhahram (Saudi Arabia) for long periods of time, as well as many others for short research stays. Professor Seeger is Associate Editor of the journal RAIRO-Operations Research and author of over 110 articles in international journals. His fields of interest are nonlinear programming, optimal control, the calculus of variations, vector optimization, the convex or non-differentiable analysis  and multivalued systems.