
Título: Approximate bounded synthesis for distributed systems
Ponente: Oleksiy Kapustyan
Fecha: 30/09/2013 11:30h
Lugar: Sala de Seminarios, Edificio Torretamarit

Title: Approximate bounded synthesis for distributed systems.
Speaker: Oleksiy Kapustyan
Date: 30/09/2013 11:30h
Location: Sala de Seminarios, Edificio Torretamarit


Finding effective constructive methods of approximate optimal control in feedback form (synthesis) is one of the major problems of the mathematical theory of optimal control for distributed systems. This problem is solved for controlled parabolic equations with a quadratic functional in two situations, which are important for applications. The first one is the case of the presence of fast oscillating coefficients, appearing for modeling of processes in micro-inhomogeneous media. The second one is the case when the equation contains a nonlinear interaction function. For the mentioned situations the feedback control formula is constructed and justified, which implements the approximate optimal control of the original problem.

Breve Bio

Oleksiy Kapustyan es Catedrático del departamento de Ecuaciones Diferenciales e Integrales de la Universidad de Kiev. Ha publicado tres monografías y más de sesenta artículos en revistas científicas de alto nivel. Sus áreas de interés se centran en las ecuaciones diferenciales no lineales de evolución, el comportamiento asintótico de sus soluciones y la teoría de control.


Finding effective constructive methods of approximate optimal control in feedback form (synthesis) is one of the major problems of the mathematical theory of optimal control for distributed systems. This problem is solved for controlled parabolic equations with a quadratic functional in two situations, which are important for applications. The first one is the case of the presence of fast oscillating coefficients, appearing for modeling of processes in micro-inhomogeneous media. The second one is the case when the equation contains a nonlinear interaction function. For the mentioned situations the feedback control formula is constructed and justified, which implements the approximate optimal control of the original problem.

Brief Bio

Oleksiy Kapustyan es Catedrático del departamento de Ecuaciones Diferenciales e Integrales de la Universidad de Kiev. Ha publicado tres monografías y más de sesenta artículos en revistas científicas de alto nivel. Sus áreas de interés se centran en las ecuaciones diferenciales no lineales de evolución, el comportamiento asintótico de sus soluciones y la teoría de control.