
Título: Multi-criteria p-facility median location problem on networks
Ponente: Justo Puerto
Fecha: 07/05/2013 10:30h
Lugar: Sala Seminarios, Edificio Torretamarit

Title: Multi-criteria p-facility median location problem on networks
Speaker: Justo Puerto
Date: 07/05/2013 10:30h
Location: Sala Seminarios, Edificio Torretamarit


Facility location concerns the optimal placement of one/several facilities in order to optimize one or more objective functions. Many real-world applications require locating several facilities on a network (road networks, power lines, etc) minimizing a distance function between facilities and demand points, where the latter are typically placed at vertices. Several results have been provided in this field since the first seminal paper by Hakimi (1964). A large number of them focuses on the minimization of a unique objective which is increasing with the distance to travel.
However, in the process of locating a new facility usually more than one decision maker is involved. On other occasions, different scenarios must be compared by the impossibility of choosing only one where the problem can be formulated because many of them are likely to occur. Therefore, real situations related with the location of service facilities, where several decision makers and interests are involved, seems to be very common, especially when locating public facilities. In those cases, the necessity of finding a good solution for different criteria (scenarios) rather than for only one is evident, which leads us to multicriteria problems.

Breve Bio

Justo Puerto Albandoz es Catedrático de Universidad del área de Estadística e Investigación Operativa y desarrolla su actividad docente e investigadoraen la Universidad de Sevilla.
Actualmente es responsable de distintos Proyectos de Investigación competitivos en el área de las redes logísticas y la localización. Ha publicado diversos libros y capítulos de libros de investigación y más de un centenar de artículos en revistas científicas de impacto.


Facility location concerns the optimal placement of one/several facilities in order to optimize one or more objective functions. Many real-world applications require locating several facilities on a network (road networks, power lines, etc) minimizing a distance function between facilities and demand points, where the latter are typically placed at vertices. Several results have been provided in this field since the first seminal paper by Hakimi (1964). A large number of them focuses on the minimization of a unique objective which is increasing with the distance to travel.
However, in the process of locating a new facility usually more than one decision maker is involved. On other occasions, different scenarios must be compared by the impossibility of choosing only one where the problem can be formulated because many of them are likely to occur. Therefore, real situations related with the location of service facilities, where several decision makers and interests are involved, seems to be very common, especially when locating public facilities. In those cases, the necessity of finding a good solution for different criteria (scenarios) rather than for only one is evident, which leads us to multicriteria problems.

Brief Bio

Justo Puerto Albandoz es Catedrático de Universidad del área de Estadística e Investigación Operativa y desarrolla su actividad docente e investigadoraen la Universidad de Sevilla.
Actualmente es responsable de distintos Proyectos de Investigación competitivos en el área de las redes logísticas y la localización. Ha publicado diversos libros y capítulos de libros de investigación y más de un centenar de artículos en revistas científicas de impacto.