
Jesús Camacho, María Josefa Cánovas and Juan Parra (Center of Operations Research, Miguel Hernández University of Elche) 

Abstract: In this paper we focus on different-global, semilocal, and local-versions of Hoffman-type inequalities expressed in a variational form. In a first stage our analysis is developed for generic multifunctions between metric spaces, and we finally deal with the feasible set mapping associated with linear semi-infinite inequality systems (finitely many variables and possibly infinitely many constraints) parameterized by their right-hand sides. The Hoffman modulus is shown to coincide with the Lipschitz upper semicontinuity modulus and the supremum of calmness moduli when confined to multifunctions with a convex graph and closed images in a reflexive Banach space, which is the case for our feasible set mapping. Moreover, for this particular multifunction a formula-involving only the system’s left-hand side-of the global Hoffman constant is derived, providing a generalization to our semi-infinite context of finite counterparts developed in the literature. In the particular case of locally polyhedral systems, the paper also provides a point-based formula for the (semilocal) Hoffman modulus in terms of the calmness moduli at certain feasible points (extreme points when the nominal feasible set contains no lines), yielding a practically tractable expression for finite systems.