
Jiménez-Hernández, D., González-Calatayud, V., Martínez-Mayoral, M.A., Morales, J. (2021) “Improving the digital competence of future secondary school teachers: An experience at Miguel Hernández University | La mejora de la competencia digital de los futuros docentes de secundaria: una experiencia en la Universidad Miguel Hernández”, Aloma, 39 (2):53–62

David Jiménez-Hernández (Universidad Nacional de Educación A Distancia), Víctor González-Calatayud (Universidad de Murcia)  and Asunción Martínez, Javier Morales (Center of Operations Research, Miguel Hernández University, Elche)
Abstract: Digital competence is one of the key competences in the education system. For students to develop this competence successfully, teachers must also have acquired it. To this end, initial […]

Complexity-based permutation entropy

[ 12 julio, 2021; ] Título: Complexity-based permutation entropyPonente: José María Amigó (CIO)Organizador: CIOFecha: Lunes 12 de julio de 2021 a las 12:00 horas.Lugar:  Online.


Abstract: Entropy is a useful concept in many areas of physics and applied mathematics, primarily thermodynamics (where it originated), statistical mechanics, information theory, dynamical systems and data analysis. In the first part of our talk, we will review (i) the […]