
Jordi Barrachina, Javier Muriel, Cesar Margarit, Beatriz Planelles, Pura Ballester (Neuropharmacology on Pain and Functional Diversity, Institute of Health and Biomedical Research of Alicante), Miguel Richart-Martínez(Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Alicante), Esperanza Cutillas (Occupational Observatory, Miguel Hernández University of Elche), Thomas Zandonai (Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Paediatrics and Organic Chemistry, Miguel Hernández University of Elche) Domingo Morales (Operations Research Centre, Miguel Hernández University of Elche) and Ana M Peiró (Clinical Pharmacology Unit, Department of Health, Alicante – General Hospital)

Abstract: To quantify patients’ pain more objectively is essential to guide an individualized therapy, all the more so in patients under long-term opioid-use. Only a thoughtful and objective understanding of risks and benefits could improve an individualized standard of care. Our aim was to assess metric reliability and validity of an integrated and self-report Global Pain Status questionnaire to quantify the impact of pain on patient’s health in a more precise manner.