
[:es]Speaker: Annick Laruelle (Universidad del País Vasco)
Title: “Cost-Benefit analysis in participatory budgeting”
Date: viernes 27 de septiembre, 12:30 horas.
Localication: Sala de Seminarios del CIO (Edificio Torretamarit)
Abstract. In participatory budgeting, citizens are invited to vote on different projects. Those with the most votes are chosen and implemented. The voting rules used in practice are usually based on single winner elections. A shortcoming of using these rules is that they do not take into account the costs of the projects, although those costs may differ substantially. The aim of this study is to provide an algorithm for a decision support system adapted to participatory budgeting processes. It relies on two main principles: First, a costly project should require more votes than a cheap project in order to be adopted¡ second, it is important to satisfy as many participants as possible. The method is applied to the 2018 participatory budgeting of the city of Portugalete (Spain).[:en]Speaker: Annick Laruelle (Basque Country University)
Title: “Cost-Benefit analysis in participatory budgeting”
Date: Friday, September 27, 12:30 a.m.
Localication: CIO Seminar Room (Torretamarit Building)
Abstract. In participatory budgeting, citizens are invited to vote on different projects. Those with the most votes are chosen and implemented. The voting rules used in practice are usually based on single winner elections. A shortcoming of using these rules is that they do not take into account the costs of the projects, although those costs may differ substantially. The aim of this study is to provide an algorithm for a decision support system adapted to participatory budgeting processes. It relies on two main principles: First, a costly project should require more votes than a cheap project in order to be adopted¡ second, it is important to satisfy as many participants as possible. The method is applied to the 2018 participatory budgeting of the city of Portugalete (Spain).[:]