
Título: Derivation or antiderivation, when you hold us…
Ponente: Jean-Baptiste Hiriart-Urruty
Fecha: 30/04/2014 13:05h-13:45h
Lugar: Sala de Seminarios, Edificio Torretamarit
«To take the derivative, to take the antiderivative (or primitive), to integrate functions…», all these expressions are familiar to the students in sciences, especially in Mathematics. We revisit here some of their aspects, comparing essentially three classes of functions: the class C(I) of continuous functions on the interval I, The class D(I) of functions which are derivatives (or from which we can construct the so-called antiderivatives), the class VI(I) of functions satisfying the intermediate value property.
Breve Bio:
Jean-Baptiste Hiriart-Urruty es catedrático en la Universidad Paul Sabatier de Toulouse (Francia), desde 1981. Es un experto de reconocido prestigio en análisis variacional (convexa, no diferenciable, aplicada) y en optimización (global, no diferenciable, no convexa). En la base de datos MathSciNet le constan 117 artículos y 1172 citas por 1374 autores. Ha escrito importantes monografías sobre optimización, además de numerosas obras de carácter pedagógico o histórico dirigidas al gran público.Title: Derivation or antiderivation, when you hold us…
Speaker: Jean-Baptiste Hiriart-Urruty
Date: 30/04/2014 13:05-13:45h
Location: Sala de Seminarios, Edificio Torretamarit

«To take the derivative, to take the antiderivative (or primitive), to integrate functions…», all these expressions are familiar to the students in sciences, especially in Mathematics. We revisit here some of their aspects, comparing essentially three classes of functions: the class C(I) of continuous functions on the interval I, The class D(I) of functions which are derivatives (or from which we can construct the so-called antiderivatives), the class VI(I) of functions satisfying the intermediate value property.
 Brief Bio
Jean-Baptiste Hiriart-Urruty is  Professor at the University Paul Sabatier of Toulouse (France), since 1981. He is a highly reputed expert in variational analysis (convex, non-differentiable, applied) and optimization (global, not differentiable, not convex ). In the MathSciNet database, he has 117 articles and 1172 citations by 1374 authors. He has written important monographs on optimization, in addition to many works of educational or historical nature for a wide audience.