Benavent, A.P., Bonastre, O.M. (2006) "A mobile phone based ubiquitous system for capturing and sending images automatically", Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering, as part of the 24th IASTED International Multi-Conference on APPLIED INFORMATICS 2006, 53-58
Peñalver, A., Escolano, F., Sáez, J.M. (2006) “Color image segmentation through unsupervised Gaussian mixture models”, IBERAMIA-SBIA 2006 – 2nd International Joint Conference, 10th Ibero-American Conference on AI, 18th Brazilian AI Symposium, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 4140 : 149-158
Metodología de desarrollo de sistemas web adaptativos
Metodología de desarrollo de sistemas web adaptativos
Investigadores principales:
Federico Botella Beviá
Entidad financiadora: BANCAJA-UMH
Inicio: 2005
Duración: 2 años
Miembros CIO
Bia Platas, Alejandro
Martínez Bonastre, Oscar
Peñalver Benavent, Antonio
Rabasa Dolado, Alejandro