Giménez, Á., Bonastre, O. M., Valero, J., & Amigó, J. M. (2023). Poster: Modified Dynamic Beta RED – A New AQM Algorithm for Internet Congestion Control. In M.-J. Montpetit, A. Leivadeas, S. Uhlig, & M. Javed (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2023 ACM on Internet Measurement Conference, IMC 2023, Montreal, QC, Canada, October 24-26, 2023 (pp. 718–719). ACM
Scientific articles
Camacho, J., Cánovas, M. J., & Parra, J. (2023). Lipschitz upper semicontinuity in linear optimization via local directional convexity. Optimization, 72(8), 2091–2108.
J.Camacho (Operations Research Center, University Miguel Hernández of Elche), M.J. Cánovas (Operations Research Center, University Miguel Hernández of Elche) and J.Parra (Operations Research Center, University Miguel Hernández of Elche)
This work is focussed on computing the Lipschitz upper semicontinuity modulus of the argmin mapping for canonically perturbed linear programs. The immediate antecedent can be traced out […]
Polotskaya, K., Dolado, A. R., & Martín, A. P. (2023). El modelo de bienestar social a la infancia. Una experiencia participativa en los Centros de Atención Temprana de la Comunidad Valenciana. In Experiencias participativas infantiles y juveniles: Perspectivas sobre procesos de democratización y gobernanza (pp. 199-208). Tirant lo Blanch.
Time Series Data Mining and Its Applications in Real-World Problems
Título: Time series data mining and its applications in real-world problems
Ponente: Antonio Manuel Durán (Universidad de Córdoba)
Organizador: Jesús Javier Rodríguez Sala
Fecha: Lunes 4 de octubre de 2021 a las 12:00 horas.
Lugar: Online.
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Abstract: Currently, information systems such as sensors produce a large amount of data, which is expected to experience exponential growth in the coming years. These data are often treated […]
Bayesian Decision Tree Ensembling Strategies for Nonparametric Problems
Título: Bayesian Decision Tree Ensembling Strategies for Nonparametric Problems
Ponente: Antonio Linero (Universidad de Texas en Austin, EEUU)
Organizador: Xavier Barber
Fecha: Viernes 17 de septiembre de 2021 a las 17:00 horas.
Lugar: Online.
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Abstract: In this talk we will make the case for using Bayesian decision tree ensembles, such as Bayesian additive regression trees (BART), for addressing some fully-nonparametric problems. We present models […]
Scientific articles
Locating switches (2019). Expert Systems With Applications, 136, 338–352.
[:es]Mercedes Landete (University Miguel Hernández of Elche), Alfredo Marín (University of Murcia) and José Luis Sainz-Pardo (University Miguel Hernández of Elche).
Abstract. In this paper, a novel problem in transshipment networks has been proposed. The main aims of this pa- per are to introduce the problem and to give useful tools for solving it both in exact and approximate ways. In […]
El CIO participará en las Jornadas de Innovación en Calzado
El CIO, uno de los catorce institutos universitarios de investigación en matemáticas de España, estará presente en las Jornadas de Innovación en Calzado “Estrategias de Marketing y Comercialización para el Sector del Calzado” que se celebrarán el 26 de septiembre, de 9:00 a 13:15 horas, en la Cámara de Comercio de Elche (Parque Industrial).
En estas […]