[:es]Speaker: Carmen Herrero (University of Alicante)
Title: “The balanced worth: a procedure to evaluate performance in terms of ordered attributes”
Date: martes 21 de mayo, 11:00 horas.
Localication: Aulas 0.1 y 0.2 del CIO (Edificio Torretamarit)
Abstract. There are many problems in the social sciences that refer to the evaluation of the relative performance of some populations when their members’ achievements are described by a distribution of outcomes over a set of ordered categories. A new method for the evaluation of this type of problems is presented here. That method, called balanced worth, offers a cardinal, complete and transitive evaluation that is based on the likelihood of getting better results. The evaluation of a population is based on the probability of obtaining better results for an agent of this population than for an agent of another. The balanced worth is a refinement of “the worth” (Herrero & Villar (2013)) that overcomes its excessive sensitivity to the differences, due to the presence of ties. We also discuss how this method can be applied for the case of heterogeneous populations and show how it can be applied in different contexts. An empirical example, regarding life satisfaction in Spain is used to illustrate the working of this method.[:]
Seminario CIO: Enfoques empíricos en la gestión de la cadena de suministro, perspectivas de red y sostenibilidad
Título: Enfoques empíricos en la gestión de la cadena de suministro, perspectivas de red y sostenibilidad Ponente: Maxi Udenio Castro (KU Leuven, Bélgica) Fecha y hora: 23/01/2025, 13:00 Inscripción online (cierre 30 minutos antes del inicio): https://forms.gle/2PdHseAPSoepBqJb8 Lugar: Sala de Seminarios del Edificio Torretamarit (CIO) y online Organizador: Mercedes Landete Ruiz Abstract: En esta charla el ponente repasará sus proyectos de [...]
1 Comment
La ganadora del premio Rey Jaime I en Economía 2017 imparte un seminario sobre la teoría de juegos – Servicio de Comunicación · 20 May, 2019 at 11:32 am
[…] Más información en https://cio.edu.umh.es/2019/05/14/seminario-de-carmen-herrero/. […]