OLA is a workshop focusing on the future challenges of optimization and learning methods and their applications.
The workshop OLA’2018 will provide an opportunity to the international research community in optimization and learning to discuss recent research results and to develop new ideas and collaborations in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. OLA’2018 welcomes presentations that cover any aspects of optimization and learning research such as new high-impact applications, parameter tuning, 4th industrial revolution, new research challenges, hybridization issues, optimization-simulation, meta-modeling, high-performance and exascale computing, surrogate modeling, multi-objective optimization, optimization for machine learning, machine learning for optimization.
A special issue in the ISI journal ITOR (International Transactions in Operational Research) is planned.
Congresos CIO
International Workshop on Deterministic and Stochastic Dynamics and Applications
[ 23 March, 2023; 9:00 am; ] The International Workshop on Deterministic and Stochastic Dynamics and Applications, which is dedicated to the memory of professor María José Garrido-Atienza, will be held at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche on March 23-24, 2023. This meeting is jointly organized by the Center of Operations Research (CIO), the Department of Statistics, Mathematics and Informatics of the Miguel Hernández University [...]