Título: Integración de funciones epi-puntiagudas no convexas es espacios localmente convexos
Ponente: David Salas Videla
Fecha: 19/06/2014 10:30h
Lugar: Sala de Seminarios, Edificio Torretamarit
We extend the results of Correa, Garcia and Hantoute, dealing with the integration of Fenchel subdifferential of nonconvex epi-pointed functions. We prove that the classical formula of Rockafellar in the convex setting is still valid in general locally convex spaces for an appropriate family of nonconvex epi-pointed functions, namely those we call SDPD. Our results use the Fenchel subdifferential of the involved functions to compare the corresponding closed convex envelopes. Some examples of SDPD functions are investigated. This analysis lead us to approach a useful family of locally convex spaces having a RNP-like property, referred to as the SDPD class.
Breve Bio:
David Salas Videla es estudiante de doctorado en la Universidad de Montpellier 2 (Francia) y en esta ocasión presenta un artículo elaborado en colaboración con Rafael Correa y Abderrahim Hantoute, ambos investigadores del Centro de Modelamiento Matemático (Chile).Title: Integration of nonconvex epi-pointed functions in locally convex spaces
Speaker: David Salas Videla
Date: 19/06/2014 10:30h
Location: Sala de Seminarios, Edificio Torretamarit
We extend the results of Correa, Garcia and Hantoute, dealing with the integration of Fenchel subdifferential of nonconvex epi-pointed functions. We prove that the classical formula of Rockafellar in the convex setting is still valid in general locally convex spaces for an appropriate family of nonconvex epi-pointed functions, namely those we call SDPD. Our results use the Fenchel subdifferential of the involved functions to compare the corresponding closed convex envelopes. Some examples of SDPD functions are investigated. This analysis lead us to approach a useful family of locally convex spaces having a RNP-like property, referred to as the SDPD class.
Brief Bio
David Salas Videla es estudiante de doctorado en la Universidad de Montpellier 2 (Francia) y en esta ocasión presenta un artículo elaborado en colaboración con Rafael Correa y Abderrahim Hantoute, ambos investigadores del Centro de Modelamiento Matemático (Chile).
Seminario CIO: Inteligencia Artificial, Herramientas y Tendencias
Título: Inteligencia Artificial, Herramientas y Tendencias Ponente: Jesús Javier Rodríguez Sala Fecha y hora: 17/03/2025, 12:30 Inscripción obligatoria hasta completar aforo: https://forms.gle/7Zczt9iXdrcrFqa89 Lugar: Aula 2.5, Edificio Altet (Campus de Elche de la UMH) Organizador: Lidia Ortiz Henarejos Abstract: En esta charla, se expondrán brevemente algunos hitos de la evolución de la inteligencia artificial (IA). Se comentarán varias de las herramientas disponibles [...]