[:es]Speaker: Ciara Heavin (University College Cork)
Title: “Tackling Health Opportunities through Mobile Application Solutions”
Date: viernes 26 de julio, 12:00 horas.
Localication: Sala de Seminarios del CIO (Edificio Torretamarit)
Abstract. Mobile health (mHealth) has experienced significant growth. This is attributable to three key factors: 1) the need for a disruptive solution to challenge the spiralling cost of healthcare, 2) the growth and maturity experienced in mHealth i.e. wireless connectivity and 3) the need for personalised medicine driven by the increased availability of novel, real-time data streams. This presentation considers the motivation and goals behind five funded research projects in the health domain. This research agenda is broadly underpinned by five key themes: 1) analysis, design and development of mobile solutions, 2) user intention to participate/use these solutions, 3) user experience (UX) design methods, 4) the need for a robust small data solution as a prerequisite for a “big health data” opportunity and 5) technology choices in mobile application development. These studies were undertaken to develop mobile applications to support capture, storage, analysis and visualisation of health related data/information. The applications developed offer a unified view of information to support users’ decision making requirements in real-time. Thisresearch is concerned with the user experience (UX) of the application (app) and/or the information (content) and how it is consumed. Intuitiveness and user learnability have been assessed along with stakeholder readiness.[:en]Speaker: Ciara Heavin (University College Cork)
Title: “Tackling Health Opportunities through Mobile Application Solutions”
Date: Friday, July 26, 12:00 a.m.
Localication: CIO Seminar Room (Torretamarit Building)
Abstract. Mobile health (mHealth) has experienced significant growth. This is attributable to three key factors: 1) the need for a disruptive solution to challenge the spiralling cost of healthcare, 2) the growth and maturity experienced in mHealth i.e. wireless connectivity and 3) the need for personalised medicine driven by the increased availability of novel, real-time data streams. This presentation considers the motivation and goals behind five funded research projects in the health domain. This research agenda is broadly underpinned by five key themes: 1) analysis, design and development of mobile solutions, 2) user intention to participate/use these solutions, 3) user experience (UX) design methods, 4) the need for a robust small data solution as a prerequisite for a “big health data” opportunity and 5) technology choices in mobile application development. These studies were undertaken to develop mobile applications to support capture, storage, analysis and visualisation of health related data/information. The applications developed offer a unified view of information to support users’ decision making requirements in real-time. Thisresearch is concerned with the user experience (UX) of the application (app) and/or the information (content) and how it is consumed. Intuitiveness and user learnability have been assessed along with stakeholder readiness.[:]
Seminario CIO: Two Perspectives in Experimental Economics: From Deceptive Communication to the Development of Strategic Sophistication
Título: Two Perspectives in Experimental Economics: From Deceptive Communication to the Development of Strategic Sophistication Ponente: Juan Francisco Blázquiz Pulido (IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca & University of Alicante) Fecha y hora: 21/03/2025, 12:30 Inscripción obligatoria hasta completar aforo: https://forms.gle/iqd3vWjiuvZwVrL17 Lugar: Sala de Seminarios del Edificio Torretamarit (CIO) y online Organizador: Ana Meca Martínez Abstract: Understanding how people process information [...]
1 Comment
Seminario sobre las aplicaciones móviles en el ámbito de la salud – Servicio de Comunicación · 24 julio, 2019 at 8:30 am
[…] Más información: http://cio.edu.umh.es/2019/07/19/seminario-de-ciara-heavin/ […]
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