[:es]Speaker: Vito Fragnelli (University of Eastern Piedmont)
Title: “Orders and Indices of Criticality in Simple Games”
Date: viernes 10 de mayo, 12:45 horas.
Localication: Sala de Seminarios del CIO (Edificio Torretamarit)
Abstract. The talk investigates the blackmailing power of players in simple games, which is the possibility of players of threatening coalitions to cause them loss using arguments that are (apparently) unjustified. The classical notion of criticality of players is extended in order to characterize situations where players may gain more power over the members of a coalition thanks to the collusion with other players. Next, the notion of power index for simple games is generalized to different orders of criticality. Finally, the behavior of these criticality indices is analyzed for comparing the power of different players within a single voting situation, and across different voting situations.[:]
Seminario CIO: Inteligencia Artificial, Herramientas y Tendencias
Título: Inteligencia Artificial, Herramientas y Tendencias Ponente: Jesús Javier Rodríguez Sala Fecha y hora: 17/03/2025, 12:30 Inscripción obligatoria hasta completar aforo: https://forms.gle/7Zczt9iXdrcrFqa89 Lugar: Aula 2.5, Edificio Altet (Campus de Elche de la UMH) Organizador: Lidia Ortiz Henarejos Abstract: En esta charla, se expondrán brevemente algunos hitos de la evolución de la inteligencia artificial (IA). Se comentarán varias de las herramientas disponibles [...]
1 Comment
Seminario sobre la teoría de juegos – Servicio de Comunicación · 9 mayo, 2019 at 10:10 am
[…] Más información: http://cio.edu.umh.es/2019/05/07/seminario-de-vito-fragnelli/ […]