
Título: An overview on power indexes
Ponente: Vito Fragnelli
Fecha: 02/11/2015 12:00 h
Lugar: Sala de Seminarios, Edificio Torretamarit
Several power indices were introduced in order to account for different aspects of decisional situations. The talk presents how to deal with those situations, commonly arising in politics, in which the agents have some incompatibilities. Some comments on existing power indices and how communication structures and restricted games may allow a better evaluation of the power when players are incompatible conclude.
Breve Bio:
Vito Fragnelli is Associate Professor of Game Theory. His scientific contributions are on Cost allocation problems, Operations Research games, Bankruptcy games, Fair division, Electoral systems, Co-insurance games, Emergency management with more than 70 papers with international diffusion. He organizes and directs the series of Summer Schools “Game Theory and …” from 2012 and was involved in several other Schools. He was invited at several workshops and universities.Title: An overview on power indexes
Date: 02/11/2015 12:00 h
Location: Sala de Seminarios, Edificio Torretamarit
Several power indices were introduced in order to account for different aspects of decisional situations. The talk presents how to deal with those situations, commonly arising in politics, in which the agents have some incompatibilities. Some comments on existing power indices and how communication structures and restricted games may allow a better evaluation of the power when players are incompatible conclude.
Brief Bio:
Vito Fragnelli is Associate Professor of Game Theory. His scientific contributions are on Cost allocation problems, Operations Research games, Bankruptcy games, Fair division, Electoral systems, Co-insurance games, Emergency management with more than 70 papers with international diffusion. He organizes and directs the series of Summer Schools “Game Theory and …” from 2012 and was involved in several other Schools. He was invited at several workshops and universities.