Título: Conjuntos convexos compactos que admiten una función estrictamente convexa
Ponente: Matías Raja Baño
Fecha: 19/06/2014 11:00h
Lugar: Sala de Seminarios, Edificio Torretamarit
In the frame of a locally convex space X, we wil consider the class SC(X) of convex compact subsets AX such that there exists f: AR which is lower semicontinuous and strictly convex. In the first part of the talk we will relate this class to some other class of compacta studied in topology, as the descriptive or the fragmentable. After that, we will prove an embedding result for those compacta into strictly convex duals. Finally, we will discuss the existence of exposed points and related notions. This is part of a joint work with L.C. García Lirola and J. Orihuela.
Breve Bio:
Matías Raja es profesor titular de Análisis Matemático en el Departamento de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Murcia.Title: Compact convex sets that admits an strictly convex function
Speaker: Matías Raja Baño
Date: 19/06/2014 11:00h
Location: Sala de Seminarios, Edificio Torretamarit
In the frame of a locally convex space X, we wil consider the class SC(X) of convex compact subsets AX such that there exists f: AR which is lower semicontinuous and strictly convex. In the first part of the talk we will relate this class to some other class of compacta studied in topology, as the descriptive or the fragmentable. After that, we will prove an embedding result for those compacta into strictly convex duals. Finally, we will discuss the existence of exposed points and related notions. This is part of a joint work with L.C. García Lirola and J. Orihuela.
Brief Bio
Matías Raja es profesor titular de Análisis Matemático en el Departamento de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Murcia.
Seminario CIO: Enfoques empíricos en la gestión de la cadena de suministro, perspectivas de red y sostenibilidad
Título: Enfoques empíricos en la gestión de la cadena de suministro, perspectivas de red y sostenibilidad Ponente: Maxi Udenio Castro (KU Leuven, Bélgica) Fecha y hora: 23/01/2025, 13:00 Inscripción online (cierre 30 minutos antes del inicio): https://forms.gle/2PdHseAPSoepBqJb8 Lugar: Sala de Seminarios del Edificio Torretamarit (CIO) y online Organizador: Mercedes Landete Ruiz Abstract: En esta charla el ponente repasará sus proyectos de [...]